paris – museum of modern art

i’m visiting the museum of modern art in Paris we focused on the Palais de Tokyo. The interior cement lining infrastructure was constructed by a Japanese artist.

This speaking mouse is also present at several museums throughout Europe
These old people in the retirement home move around this section of the museum, completely automated.
He designed the mirror floor of the center part of the museum. I found it walking around the floor and looking down at it was extremely mesmerizing
Looking down you see the glass dome

Koh Chang excitement

This photo speaks for itself
A snake is taking its time to suffocate a Tokay gecko
Koh Kood coffee shop
Keeping fish for customers at the restaurant
I think he’s trying to tell people he wants some food
These leaves are good food for shrimp farms
Clearwater at Koh Kood
This grilled gecko is the reason this electric plug was not working
You could do almost anything to Ciccio but he would not move
Theif likes her belly rubbed
I wonder what they charge for
This guy was hanging around for some reason
No filter was used for this photo
The guy in blue jumped onto the ferry as it was leaving the dock, hit one of the metal plates which dislodged and almost fell in the water
A beginning driver
Obviously an early PC adopter
Where else would you use your phone but while riding your motorcycle
Do all wheels on the back axle serves some purpose

Japan- food

One of my favorites made in my favorite sushi Drinkery
Nice and fresh oysters
With my former neighbors and one of my best college friend’s son (studying in Japan)
This is one of the better breakfasts I had, curry rice Japanese style
The old wartime navy food never dies. Spam mixed with tuna and mayonnaise wrapped in seaweed
Cornell graduates, and a friend’s son, gathering for a meal in Tokyo
Nice little snacks for dinner
One of my favorite breakfast meals
A not so good free hotel breakfast
A standard lunch
Wild duck
A few veggies more than half eaten
A very tasty but simple lunch
Special beef at a very popular Wakayama Korean barbecue
Very special rice as well
A very simple meal which I find incredibly nice, grilled beef of different marbling with KimChi and rice
With a seaweed soup
This is the Korean barbecue in Wakayama I really recommend
you know by now this is one of my favorites

Japan 2024

Full bloom near my old house Temple
Very clean train
This was Being promoted
There was some shaking but nothing significant
A clear view of Mount Fuji from the hotel
Beautiful evening view from the room
One of my favorites
The only Cuban cigars we could find that week. Cubans are in short supply
My friend’s car.
Very boxxy
An Irish pub in downtown Wakayama

Paris food

A local bistro’s idea of fish and chips
And their idea of Caesar salad
This was my hamburger with sauce all over it, very French, sauce on everything
Some wild animal
Beef tartar on the right in abundance. The portion was way too much for me but I learned it was named after the tartars who often didn’t have time or the proper cooking equipment to grill the beef. I suspect they had it raw because they had to go kill some people on a fixed schedule.
Coffee ice cream dessert. I was surprised this time all the desserts were extremely sweet, much more than I had remembered.
The menu from the restaurant in Versailles
Multicolored cauliflower
Very tasty ice cream
Another dessert
An orange flavored dessert
The typical morning breakfast at the hotel
This is a very local and traditional cuisine restaurant. The food is not fancy but it seems it is very well known for its excellence
Our friend has a niece who works in this restaurant. It has been open only for less than a year but a few days after we ate here they received their first Michelin star
Potato skin and sauce
The central theme that night was potatoes

japan – wakayama and…

Wakayama is kind of a quiet town with a decreasing population like many non-major cities in Japan but I have a close college friend who lives there and so I visit from time to time to enjoy the good food and the company. This time I just flew in from Bangkok for four days and then one day in Tokyo before flying back.

We smoke Cubans in his car on the way to dinner
My first quality Ramen in five years
These dolls are placed as a seasonal celebration, a shrine near Wakayama
The front of the shrine
The gate (Torii)
The business hotel where I stayed has a very uninteresting breakfast but it’s included
On Christmas day we had a nice tiramisu at a French style restaurant
In general the food was not too much and very tasty, Japanese – French style
Cute car. Only 600 cc. It’s a shame this company lied and cheated and had to shut down until they made certain acceptable corrections
A very nice lunch
A friend’s house, very traditional
Coming into Narita you can see some solar farms for the local residents
Friends at a countryside karaoke bar (snack) before a yakuza boss walked in
Representing Thailand, Japan and Borsalino land
It was a very clear day. Yes you can see Mount Fuji

food in the fast lane

Of course we have to start it out with pizza. This is made at Flavio’s restaurant and is a nice thing crust quattro formaggi.
On a quick trip to Japan it was just very necessary to have a lot of pickled ginger
You can guess
Just for me they made some very nice tempura
The brown food on the small dish is salted Fugu (puffer fish). The first time for me
Fatty tuna was very delicious
Finally I got to a Korean grill
This Korean ramen was labeled very spicy but there was almost no spice in it
Very rare
Half green half yellow indicates some chemicals used in growing these bananas
What do these dogs have to do with food? They are waiting for their evening handout

Fun stuff 3

This is proof I am lazy
Right outside the bungalow
A very nice Indonesian cigar
Dancing girls at the local night market in Koh Chang
Balloon bread and various dips at my friends Turkish restaurant, AlaTurka
Another very nice Indonesian cigar
Spelling Bea?
A nice sunset on the island
Very tasty bread from Flavio’s Italian restaurant
One of the best Churchills I’ve ever had
AI idea of me as an evil villain with a cat. Watch out James Bond!
Is this what you would name your hotel?
More proof I am lazy
Move over Orlando Bloom. I have gotten younger
Pasan made a very delicious long grilled fatty pork with vegetables
A kind of Turkish pizza
One of the best cigars I have ever had and, yes, it was made in Indonesia